Fonte di nuove tensioni o di nuove opportunità? Occasioni mancate e possibili sviluppi

Paolo Sandalli foto

Di Paolo Sandalli

Ammiraglio di Squadra (in ausiliaria) della Marina Militare Italiana e già Comandante dal 27 Novembre 2009 al 2 Settembte 2010 della Forza Marittima delle Nazioni Unite in Libano (Unifil Maritime Task Force)

Quando il premier libanese Fouad Siniora, chiese il 6 settembre 2006 al Segretario Generale delle N.U. Kofi Annan che la risoluzione n. 1701, intesa a stabilizzare la situazione al termine di quella che viene chiamata Seconda Guerra Israelo-Libanese, fosse irrobustita con la previsione di una componente marittima internazionale che, susseguentemente al rilascio del blocco navale israeliano posto per 58 giorni ai porti libanesi, presidiasse gli spazi e gli accessi marittimi del paese e preparasse al contempo la sua Marina a svolgere in autonomia tale compito, prese una decisione di portata storica e di altissima lungimiranza che pochi colsero a quel tempo e che avrebbe potuto portare a risultati anche superiori se le intrinseche capacità politico-diplomatiche delle forze navali fossero state sfruttate meglio e molte buone occasioni non fossero andate perse.


2018-10-21T18:33:58+00:0021 Ottobre, 2018|0 Comments

The irresistible temptation of Mr Trump for a New War in the Middle East

By Leonardo Manzari


The continuous provocations of Mr Trump towards China, Iran and lately Turkey, are too much focused and punctual to be just the sign of an irresponsible behaviour of the “bad boy” of the White House.

Not by case, the US President is trying, on the other hand, to keep a sustainable relation with Russia (most probably successfully, assumed the “ideological” opposition of US public opinion towards it), notwithstanding the investigations about the role of the Russian intelligence’s actions during the elections of 2016.

In fact Russia is not a threat from the industrial point of view for the US, and trade sanctions against Russia appear to most Europeans, like just a NATO tool to keep the temptation of closer and closer economic co-operation, as distant as possible.


2018-08-22T10:57:35+00:0022 Agosto, 2018|1 Comment

How Japan promotes its competitive system in the areas of higher economic potential by Luca Ebreo, member of EIEAD’s Scientific Committee

“we hereby report the speech by Dr Luca Ebreo,  member of EIEAD’s Scientific Committee, during the Forum EIEAD on June 23rd, in SEAFUTURE 2018 La Spezia, on board the Italian Tallship Amerigo Vespucci”

Part 2

Japan’s Silk Road Diplomacy

With tfotoLucahe collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1991 Central Asian nations and Japan, established diplomatic relations and partnership began to increase steadily as manifested by the level of official contacts. In 1997, the “Silk Road” Diplomacy concept was formulated for Japan’s policy toward Central Asia.

In the beginning of 21st century, we see activation of new actors including India, Korea and Japan in Central Asia, which were mainly welcomed in the region. Tokyo recognized the growing strategic importance of Central Asia in the context of international security and sought to play a more active role as an Asian nation in Eurasia.

During two decades Central Asian nations and Japan, partnership began to increase steadily. Japan is one of the largest assistants to Central Asia in structural reforms and Japanese investments to the different aspects of region economy and transport communication add up to several billions.

There are several areas of special interest to Japan in its relations with Central Asia, including cooperation in education, economic development of the region, political reforms, as well as energy resources. Japan’s effort in creating the “Central Asia plus Japan” dialog is part of its multilateral diplomacy.


2018-07-12T18:29:29+00:0012 Luglio, 2018|0 Comments

How Japan promotes its competitive system in the areas of higher economic potential by Luca Ebreo, member of EIEAD’s Scientific Committee.

“we hereby report the speech by Dr Luca Ebreo, member of EIEAD’s Scientific Committee, during the Forum EIEAD on June 23rd, in SEAFUTURE 2018 La Spezia, on board the Italian Tallship Amerigo Vespucci”

Part 1


Japan has few natural resources and depends on massive imports of raw materials. It must export to pay for its imports, and manufacturing and the sales of its services, such as banking and finance, were its principal means of doing so.

The successful model of Japan in promoting its competitive system in the areas of higher economic potential is due to three main components: government’s administrative guidance, trading companies, and official development aid.

The export of infrastructure systems as Japan’s foreign economic policy is unique in terms of diplomatic goals and means. We will discuss about Japan’s Silk Road Diplomacy focussing on Central Asia policy application.


2018-07-11T18:12:01+00:0011 Luglio, 2018|0 Comments

Seafuture, Forum EIEAD 2018


La Spezia, June 25th 2018

On June the 22nd and 23rd , within the frame of the SEAFUTURE 2018, the Forum EIEAD has taken place in Lerici and La Speziawith the Official Ceremony of the FDI Eurasian Challenge Award 2017-2018 and the Conference “The New Playgrounds Of Industrial Global Power: the Black Sea Region and the Eurasian Economic Union”.

This year event supported by Italian Blue Growth and its President Cristiana Pagni has seen the involvement of various multilateral organizations, foundations, think tanks, consulting companies, representatives of the Italian ministry of Foreign Affairs and of SACE, entrepreneurs&managers from Italy, Austria, Greece, Turkey,Belgium.

In Lerici, in front of the Gulf of Poets astonishing panorama, the delivery of the FDI Eurasian Challenge Award 2017-2018 to ISPAT Turkey acknowledge the best FDİ incentive attraction scheme in the Region. Turkey ranks in the first position, together with Lebanon. Unfortunately the Lebanese delegation was not allowed to participate due to the current

political lack of Government.

After a short description of the study conducted by Leonardo Manzari and Valeria Giannotta, underlining the main factors leading to Turkish system success the success, the former Ambassador of Italy in Turkey, Carlo Marsili has delivered the prize to ISPAT Coordinator, Mrs Derun Ulgen.

Leonardo Manzari has also stated that in 2018-2019, apart from the update of the just

concluded study, EIEAD will perform same comparative study in the Region of the Black Sea.

On Saturday, on board the beautiful Italian School Ship Amerigo Vespucci inside the Navy Base of La Spezia (Italy) – thanks to the hospitality of the Italian Navy – participants have discussed about the ways, the most developed countries promote their industrial system on the playground of the global competitiveness, and in the areas which are offering the largest opportunities.

Studies and experiences from Japan, Turkey, China, Austria, Italy have been subject of discussion after two speeches on the economic dynamics in the Black Sea Region and in the Eurasian Economic Union, with the result of new co-operation partnerships among the participating organizations on projects, ideas, targets.

EIEAD European Institute for the EurAsian Dialogue
Policies, Studies, Relations

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2018-06-26T10:50:34+00:0026 Giugno, 2018|0 Comments

ITALY, THE EUROPEAN LAB by Leonardo Manzari

The tense phase of the formation of the new government has reached the first important step, the appointment of the PM. 80 days, if we consider the new political scenario – a real re-shake for Italian politics – is a reasonable timing, also in comparison with Germany (6 months for the latest version of the Grosse Koalition), Belgium (1,5 year), Spain (10 months).

Nevertheless all EU top political leaders and some national leaders, French President Macron, Germany’s Chancellor Merkel have not lost the occasion to remark that the Italian situation is worrying Europe, that Italy has to keep its EU financial commitments, that they have confidence in the Italian President Mattarella (as a form of indirect pressure, as they succeded in 2011 with President Napolitano).

I have not voted neither for M5S nor for Lega, but it is quite evident here that Italians have voted for a change and their will has to be respected, also in the formation of the new coalition and government.

And President Mattarella has too deep knowledge of the Constitution and of the Italian system to divert from the results of the elections, especially after the clear demonstration of distance shown by most of EU countries towards the problem of migrants in the Mediterranean and, in general, towards the EU project when, their domestic issues are involved.

If EU citizens had not perceived till now the embarrassing limits of the political elite ruling in Brussels, it would be easy to believe these “calls” were due to the mere aim of putting Italy under pressure, as an economic and industrial rival, at the time of the global trend turnaround.

True, Italy has a complex public debt to be managed, but almost all countries (except Germany, all founder countries) show political, economic, financial, social critical points, which may represent a threat for the whole EU.

Much to Italians’ anger, none of the local politicians, nor institutional chairpersons have openly signalled to the EU authorities that the timing required to form a new government had to be patiently respected.

Unless awarding the populist parties and eurosceptics with even higher consensus.

At a deeper sight of this pressure, comes to evidence that the fear of a domino effect of populism and euroscepticism to the rest of Europe, after Brexit, is the real nightmare crossing EU east to west, south to north.

Because the only large EU founder country which “feels on its skin” – all at the same time – the eastern diffidence, like the western will of political insulation, the northern wealth combined with the tensions of local multi-ethnic societies (still far from being integrated societies), like the southern underdevelopment, the EU unfitness to properly play a balancing approach towards Africa and Middle East is Italy.

So Italy, as already many times along its incredibly rich history, really looks to be a melting pot of all tensions, like challenges that a modern and equilibrated Union has to face.

Has EU understood this of Italy? Or someone is still thinking that only one model of Europe is possible, only one way is reliable? Has EU perceived that the road towards a strong Union cannot be the erasing of all differences, but their inclusion through the sharing of the main problems?

2018-05-26T12:17:19+00:0026 Maggio, 2018|0 Comments

Il 1° Maggio e la rivoluzione dei robot

La retorica sul 1° maggio si spenderà a piene mani anche quest’anno.
A 200 anni dalla nascita di Karl Marx , avvenuta Il 5 maggio 1818 a Treviri in Renania, ci si chiede ancora quale sia l’eredità del

filosofo più citato e meno letto della storia, che col senno di poi si rivelò un gigante in economia e un quasi gnomo in filosofia.
In un mondo globalizzato e precarizzato, dove la finanza ha sopravanzato l’economia, Marx, con la forza profetica che gli proveniva dalla sua origine ebraica, aveva preconizzato e compreso tutti i processi dello sviluppo del Capitale, salvo a prevedere che il proletariato come costruzione pragmatica, filosofica e idiomatica, si sarebbe parcellizzato e frantumato diventando di fatto un sottoprodotto mentale di quella borghesia che si voleva stigmatizzare e superare con un processo rivoluzionario dai contorni mai del tutto chiari.
I proletari di oggi che non se ne rendono forse conto e non vogliono certo fare la rivoluzione, sono i nuovi precari, gli esodati, gli extracomunitari e i giovani che non studiano e non lavorano, ma che in fondo inseguono tutti le relazioni liquide di uno smartphone, col livore del social network.
Nessun sindacato li rappresenta più. Questa è un’umanità arrabbiata e sfiduciata, che sa di non avere alternative ai trucioli di una società malata che in Occidente si è evoluta ma poi ha imboccato una via in discesa vivendo troppo a lungo al di sopra delle proprie possibilità a

scapito di Paesi retti da oligarchie e da potentati vissuti all’ombra della guerra fredda.
Quando tenti di estirpare dall’uomo, il suo afflato spirituale e la sua voglia di migliorarsi attraverso l’impresa, gli hai rubato l’anima come hanno dimostrato i tracolli dei Paesi dell’est Europa.
Anche questa è retorica, non ci sono ricette precostituite. L’uguaglianza vagheggiata per tutto un secolo si è rivelata un’utopia. Anche le Elites sono ora ridotte al lumicino come le classi dirigenti cannibalizzate dalla retorica stolta del 1 vale 1, che ha distrutto i corpi intermedi senza trovare soluzioni praticabili.

Alla Repubblica ideale di Platone si dovrebbe sostituire la democrazia possibile di Aristotele.

L’essenza delle cose come dei processi produttivi, va cercata nella materia e non al di fuori di essa; anche in questo Marx aveva ragione. Ma relegando la spiritualità a fatto meramente privato, ha finito per resuscitare lo Stato etico di Hegel.
Dove rifugiarsi allora, quando il lavoro non appare più come lo strumento razionale per la realizzazione dell’uomo?
Forse non rimane che la religione della libertà e del

dovere, laicamente propugnata da Benedetto Croce; Ma queste non sono che elucubrazioni da vecchio liberale, difficili da spiegare a chi non può mangiare.
È più facile prendersela col vicino che magari è più povero di te e diventa il tuo nemico in una guerra tra poveri di cui qualcuno approfitta sempre.
Non disperiamo, comunque. Forse la rivoluzione la faranno i robot, quando matureranno una coscienza e si ribelleranno all’algoritmo che li governa.
Ma noi, non stiamo forse diventando dei robot, lobotomizzati e ridotti allo stato tribale?

2018-05-01T22:26:20+00:001 Maggio, 2018|0 Comments

Valeria Giannotta at the tripartite summit in Ankara Turkey, Iran and Russia discuss Syrian crisis

Valeria giannotta – EİAD scientific coordinator attended the trilateral meeting on Syria held in Ankara on April the 4th.

As it follows

the draft joint statements by the Presidents of Turkey, Iran and Russia.

2018-04-05T13:42:04+00:005 Aprile, 2018|0 Comments