Scientific Committee

/Scientific Committee
Scientific Committee2019-01-08T11:25:55+00:00


Carlo Marsili – Coordinator of EIEAD Scientific Committee

Italian Ambassador, he has been Diplomatic Counselor Added to the Italian Prime Ministers De Mita, Andreotti, Amato and Ciampi.

Italian Ambassador in Indonesia (Jakarta 1998-1999), in Turkey (Ankara Feb 2nd 2004 till June 11th 2010).

University Degree in Political Sciences at the University of Padova, in 2011 he has published the book “ La Turchia bussa alla porta” for Università Bocconi Milano.

Laureato in scienze politiche presso l’Università di Padova, e’ stato Consigliere Diplomatico Aggiunto dei Presidenti del Consiglio dei Ministri De Mita , Andreotti , Amato e Ciampi. Ambasciatore in Indonesia (Jakarta) (1998-1999) ed Ambasciatore d’Italia in Turchia (Ankara) dal 2 febbraio 2004 all’11 giugno 2010. Nel marzo 2011 ha pubblicato il volume “ La Turchia bussa alla porta” edito dall’Università Bocconi di Milano.

He has received various honors: Rotary Prize 2005 for Diplomacy; Prize The Diplomat of the Year 2006” Marche Regional Government; PrizeThe Foreign Diplomat of the Year 2006” by the Turkish Prime Minister; Laurea Honoris Causa of the University of Ankara on Feb.26th 2018; Knight of the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic; Order of the Republic of Turkey (the highest honor of the Turkish Republic); Knight of the Grand Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany; Officer of the Alaouita Order of the Kingdom of Morocco; Commander of the Kingdom of Sweden; Knight of the Order of the White Elephant of the Kingdom of Thailand.


Valeria Giannotta – Coordinator of EIEAD Scientific Committee

Expert in Turkish Politics and International Relations – she is Assistant Professor at the Turkish Aeronautic University of Ankara. For the objectivity of analysis, the activity in support of Italian diplomacy and the efforts to build cultural bridges between Italy and Turkey, the Presidency of the Republic of Italy in May 2017 has awarded her the medal of the Order of the Star of Italy.

gabriele checchina

Gabriele Checchia

Italian Ambassador, he began his diplomatic career in 1978 and covered many positions till 2016.

Italian Ambassador in Lebanon (2006-2010), by NATO ( 2102-2014) and  by International Multilateral Organizations (OCSE; ESA, AIE) in Paris (2012-2014).

Other positions held in Italy: Deputy-Director of Desk for Russian and Former Soviet Area within the Directorate General for Political Affairs (1989-1994); Diplomatic Counsellor of the Minister of Productive Activities (2001-2006), Special Envoy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Afghanistan and Pakistan (“AFPAK Envoy” 2010-2012); Diplomatic Counsellor of the Minister of Defense (2012-2014).

Other positions held abroad: First Counselor to the Permanent Representation of Italy by the European Union and responsible for  “enlargement negoziations“ (1995-1999); Vice-Head of Mission in Ankara (1999-2001).

University Degree in Political Sciences (1974) at “Cesare Alfieri” University, specialization course in International Right at International Court of Aja and later at “Johns Hopkins” University in Bologna (“Bologna Center”).

Currently: President of the Strategic Committee within the Italian Atlantic Committe and of the “Atlantic Club” in Naples;

Permanent Observer (Ambassador) of the Sovereign Order of Malta at the United Nations in Rome (FAO; IFAD, WFP); member of the Circle of Diplomatic Studies.

Honors: Prize and Honor of the Best Graduated at “Cesare Alfieri” University in 1974; Grand Officer of the Italian Republic; Knight of the Order of Merit Melitense (Sovereign Order of Malta); Grand Officer of “ L’Ordre National du Cèdre” (Lebanon).


Luca Ebreo

Highly experienced manager in strategic sectors and technologies. He has been operating for eight years in the Asia-Pacific region, twenty-one in Europe and eight years in North America, managing complex growth and globalization processes for large companies in multicultural and multidisciplinary fields.

In the USA he has started and managed the Finmeccanica chairs at the Universities of Carnegie Mellon, Stanford and MIT .


Roberto Pagone

Director of Dept. for Investments in Southern Italy at Rete Ferroviaria Italiana SpA – Vice President of CIFI  College of Italian Railway Engineers – Founder and Chariman of Consortium Railmed.


Francesco Alberti

Francesco Alberti has more than 25 years of experience working and managing in Asia-Pacific, where he has gained a unique insight into one of the world’s most exciting and thriving Media markets. Working in several organizations in a variety of roles, he has attained an in-depth knowledge of the industry and developed a high-level network that spans across the region.
In his last position, he was the leader for the Bloomberg Media Distribution team in Asia-Pacific, where he achieved above target growth for several years in a row. Before joining Bloomberg, he was the business editor at the Mainichi Daily News, the English-language paper of The Mainichi Shinbun, one of Japan’s leading daily newspapers.

Currently, after moving back to Italy, he writes for several magazines and newspapers and helps small and medium companies develop a social media strategy.

img_2924302141928Cristiana Pagni

Entrepreneur in the sectors of maritime technologies and of defense, CEO of Sitep GROUP ( From 2009 on, she is also President of Consortium Tecnomar Liguria, gathering SMEs of the Blue Economy and representing them within the  Board of DLTM (LigurianCluster of Marine Technology) to promote research&development of and among local SMEs of the maritime sector.

Mrs Pagni is founder and President of S.I.Ca.N, a consortium of companies born in 2013, joining some important industrial realities,hystorically established in Fincantieri’s supplier list, strategically located in Italy and represented byoffices/workshops all around the world joining a wide network of local partners.

Mrs Pagni is one of the most well-known and respected business women in Italy. Manager in Sitepsince 1998, she has always been very pro-active in promoting synergic aggregation among SMEs of this sector and also encouraging entrepreneurial activities started and/or managed by women.

She has been Vice President of Confindustria La Spezia and is now President of Blue Hub srl, the in-house company to promote internationalization, of the Ligurian Chamber of Commerce “Rivieredi Liguria”; President and CEO of Italian Blue Growth srl, the company which organizes and manages SEAFUTURE the Business Convention on maritime technologies held every two years in La Spezia, now at its 6th edition

Paolo Sandalli fotoPaolo Sandalli

Admiral Sandalli has 20 years of command and operational experience on board of Italian Navy ships including international command under UN flag in peace keeping operations in Lebanon Covered several relevant strategic position at NATO and national level in the field of military policy and defence planning and was Defence Attaché in Indonesia, Singapore and the Philippines.

He got a Master degree in Geopolitics, Economic Globalization, International Institutions and a first level University degree in Maritime Naval Sciences. Gave lessons and lectures at several NATO and national School and he is author of various books, essays and articles on historical, geopolitical and military subjects.


Leonardo Manzari

Founder and President of E.I.E.A.D. Manager and expert in business internationalisation, owner and CEO of consulting&business development company New Ideas.  Board member of Italian Blue Growth srl.

Chartered Accountant. Secreteary General & Treasurer of AFAO