Seafuture, Forum EIEAD 2018


La Spezia, June 25th 2018

On June the 22nd and 23rd , within the frame of the SEAFUTURE 2018, the Forum EIEAD has taken place in Lerici and La Speziawith the Official Ceremony of the FDI Eurasian Challenge Award 2017-2018 and the Conference “The New Playgrounds Of Industrial Global Power: the Black Sea Region and the Eurasian Economic Union”.

This year event supported by Italian Blue Growth and its President Cristiana Pagni has seen the involvement of various multilateral organizations, foundations, think tanks, consulting companies, representatives of the Italian ministry of Foreign Affairs and of SACE, entrepreneurs&managers from Italy, Austria, Greece, Turkey,Belgium.

In Lerici, in front of the Gulf of Poets astonishing panorama, the delivery of the FDI Eurasian Challenge Award 2017-2018 to ISPAT Turkey acknowledge the best FDİ incentive attraction scheme in the Region. Turkey ranks in the first position, together with Lebanon. Unfortunately the Lebanese delegation was not allowed to participate due to the current

political lack of Government.

After a short description of the study conducted by Leonardo Manzari and Valeria Giannotta, underlining the main factors leading to Turkish system success the success, the former Ambassador of Italy in Turkey, Carlo Marsili has delivered the prize to ISPAT Coordinator, Mrs Derun Ulgen.

Leonardo Manzari has also stated that in 2018-2019, apart from the update of the just

concluded study, EIEAD will perform same comparative study in the Region of the Black Sea.

On Saturday, on board the beautiful Italian School Ship Amerigo Vespucci inside the Navy Base of La Spezia (Italy) – thanks to the hospitality of the Italian Navy – participants have discussed about the ways, the most developed countries promote their industrial system on the playground of the global competitiveness, and in the areas which are offering the largest opportunities.

Studies and experiences from Japan, Turkey, China, Austria, Italy have been subject of discussion after two speeches on the economic dynamics in the Black Sea Region and in the Eurasian Economic Union, with the result of new co-operation partnerships among the participating organizations on projects, ideas, targets.

EIEAD European Institute for the EurAsian Dialogue
Policies, Studies, Relations

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2018-06-26T10:50:34+00:0026 Giugno, 2018|0 Comments

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