Business promotion and support to policy makers

//Business promotion and support to policy makers
Business promotion and support to policy makers2019-01-10T09:11:38+00:00

Project Description

EIEAD, as a “policy making” support body, focuses on business promotion to properly develop
relations with a larger view and longer time in comparison with what is normally needed in business


June 2018: Forum EIEAD

Within the SEAFUTURE 2018 agenda of conferences, EIEAD - on board of the magnificent scenario of the Italian tallship Amerigo Vespucci – has realized a seminar to compare the policies of promotion of their industrial systems, used by the most prominent industrial countries. With the purpose of showing good practices and successful policies to whom is interested in internationalization and globalization, experts of Germany, Austria, France, Turkey, Russia, Japan and India have described their tools, procedures, plans, priorities.


June 2018: FDI Eurasian Challenge Award 2017-2018

Within the frame of initiatives “to show the way”, EIEAD has started in 2017-2018 a cycle ofcomparative studies among FDI attraction schemes of the main countries in the same geo-economicarea, aimed at providing: -entrepreneurs, with an orienteering synthetic tool to help them identifying the country offering the best incentives to their possible industrial or commercial facility in the region; -policy makers with a detailed analysis of successful attraction schemes, their principles, structures, key factors. This study aims at representing an inspiration source to design new schemes or improve existing ones. The first edition has focused on the Southern Eurasian/Middle Eastern area, and in June 2018, within the SEAFUTURE 2018 agenda of conferences the ceremony of the FDI Eurasian Challenge Award has recognized the two winner countries with the best attraction scheme. In 2019, the study will refer to another sub-region of the Eurasian area.


March 2018: Italian Blue Growth srl – January 2019 WestMed National Hub for Italy

The evolution and the dimension reached by SEAFUTURE have imposed the creation of a dedicated company, whose core business is  the implementation of business conventions, workshops, B2B, international events, initiatives for entrepreneurial opportunities, consulting, internationalization, etc. EIEAD, together with the other three SEAFUTURE main co-organizers, is shareholder of Italian Blue Growth srl, to properly manage the main bi-annual event, but also to launch other innovative initiatives in sectors not yet properly exploited, with a medium-term perspective. Driving inspiration remains the tackle the Italian lack of industrial policies in various fields and translate the “strategic industrial vision” into practical business events for and with the existing sectorial clusters, consortia, networks, associations. Already in 2019, IBG will realize some remarkable “primes” in innovative fields, but will also start its “technical assistance” advisory as National Hub for Italy, within the WestMed initiative of the EU Commission. Thanks to the EIEAD’s international relations activities, [...]


October 2014 – August 2015 – April 2016: Missions of Italian Entrepreneurs in Iran

With the same purpose, as a follow-up of the “Workshop of co-operation in the Railway Sector between Italy and Iran”, EIEAD has organized dedicated missions for those companies already involved in specific railway projects. Meetings with RAI Iranian Railways, B2B with private companies, institutional roundtables have been organized, allowing Italian entrepreneurs to have a wider overview of the Iranian Railway sector and of the main strategic projects.


Since November 2013 – Sectorial Missions of Italian Entrepreneurs in Turkey

Thanks to the strong relationships that EIEAD has with the Turkish Entrepreneurial associations, it organized a mission to Istanbul, promoting system alliance in some particular sectors, of common interest; meetings with public administrations as decision makers in many aspects of economic life of communities; a business dinner with representatives of the Italian entrepreneurial community  in the Eurasian region;